Phenq Reviews and Results 2020

If you are interested in buying PhenQ, we can help you out as we are about to address questions that are the most common ones and are little time consuming when it comes to getting their answers.

Is there a weight loss pill that actually works?

The best part about discussing this diet pill is it actually quite transparent in every relevant expect. This is a pretty rare occurrence.

Weight loss supplements usually do not show such transparency.

The telephone number, address, social media handles, all the contact details are easily available.

When we are reviewing diet pills (one thing is quite clear), it is different from the other weight loss supplements of its league.

Why are we saying so sure?


You will learn it as soon as you go through the points that we are going to discuss via the medium of this article.

It is not just a review of a supplement, but it is a gateway that can guide you to get rid of excess weight for good.

Just like any other weight loss product, it also claims to be effective for weight loss.

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What is PhenQ?

It is a dietary weight loss supplement.

It has been in use of 1,90,000 + people, and so many people cannot be wrong at the same time.

Are there any diet pills that are safe?

Visit Official Website Here

Its large scale of reviews from customers gives us this assurance that you can put your trust too in this supplement.

It has been helping its valuable customers in securing their weight loss target.

This is something amazing to consider.

Thus, getting the desired body shape just happens to be one click away when you decide to go with diet pills.

Get the right info regarding PhenQ today and make your weight loss a reality.

What over the counter diet pill is like Phentermine?

Additional Note:

This weight loss supplement claims to have the potential to give you the strength of multiple weight loss techniques.

This is quite pleasant, we must say because most of the products (even when they are effective) offers just one to two methods of getting rid of obesity but in case of PhenQ (alternative to phentermine) you know you will be able to target the issue of obesity in multi-dimensions (up to 5 ways).

You know about it great and if you do not, it is not something usual.

Thus, going for this supplement is nothing but the best decision ever.

Just to be clear that it is not just some sort of exaggeration and this supplement can actually work wonders for you.

The proof is here in the form of various points that are present in this review.

Speaking of its marvels, this diet pill has the power of more than one natural source that can come handy when it is about losing weight.

We did not just believe these claims, but actually, we went to search for the real evidence that can support such lucrative comments.

Thus, we succeeded in finding the relevant sources that can back up these claims that might sound childish or at least too good to be true.

Is There a Weight Loss Pill that Actually Works?

We did not only go through studies but also the PhenQ reviews of customers that could give us the reality check in the aptest way possible.


We dug for all the possible details that we could find for this magnificent obesity solution, and we did compare all the possible studies as well just to be sure that whatever we are adding into this review should be helpful, to the point and something that can give you worth of your money.

The aim to summarize all the information here is to give you a chance to take a life altering for the sake of your health.

You can check the site for quick access to the info, or you can continue reading this review for getting the info that is not even present on the official website.

I am glad you decided to continue this review as the chances are you will not regret your decision pal..!

Let’s dive further, shall we?

About Wolfson Berg Limited

The company behind PhenQ is Wolfson Berg Limited. It has been a well-known name in the industry of dietary pills.

The name is not new as the company has been serving for almost a decade now.

The company believes in delivering a high-quality product. Therefore, they produce their products in FDA approved facility.

Are over the counter diet pills safe?

This is not it because they also believe in using effective ingredients. Effective does not translate any random ingredients, but actually, they use ingredients of genuine standard plus only natural ingredients.

No synthetic material is present in this supplement. It is excellent news because even the use of the synthetic product is becoming a norm. It is indeed an alarming situation.

However, with PhenQ you can take a sigh of relief that no synthetic substance is present to trouble you.

To cut a long story short, you will get top-notch results.


The producers are a firm believer in delivering their customers well.

A positive sign for users because when the company has good work ethics, it is a fair sign they will deliver you the quality that you are paying for.

Does PhenQ really work?

The manufacturers acquire a full team of experienced, nutritionists, health consultants and knowledgeable professionals to support your journey at every step.

What is the fastest weight loss pill?

They literally support you in achieving your goal.

They are not just bound to guide for diets, exercise or lifestyle changes, but they are there even for guiding your way for PhenQ use.

That’s right. In short, you can avail their services 24/7.

Company Address

Headquarters: Wolfson Berg Limited, Archiep. Makariou III, 124 JOC Business Center Kiti, 7550, Larnaca Cyprus.

How can I lose 20 pounds in a month without exercise?

The weight loss is not short of myths; at least you should be clear about this thing.

Therefore, before we unveil further facts regarding PhenQ, it is crucial to learn about a little about weight loss topic itself so you can be clear in your decision-making process.

There is no surprise that with the advancement of science and technology, the researchers have found all sort of ways for weight reduction.

They are effective or not; it is another topic, but they have discovered various methods it is for sure.

You are likely to find it is a little hard to believe that 26 + ways are there to kick start your weight decrease journey and the number of ineffective ways is even higher than this.

To give you confidence that you can actually make weight loss happen we are not discussing all 26 weight reducing tactics/ tricks, but yes, a few of them are here to give you a glimpse.

Here you go…

i. Plenty of water

Most of the human body composition is based on water. This nature liquid has the potential to elevate your metabolic activity by 25 % to 30% in just a mere period of 1 or 1.5 hours; it happens to help calorie burn in a great fashion.

One of the studies shows that around half liter water just prior to any meal is enough to persuade the eater to consume fewer calories.

ii. Coffee (Black Magic Potent)

People think coffee has negative effects to offer but more than that it is rich in antioxidants and other health benefits. There are studies present that confirm that caffeine in coffee has great effects to offer.

Accelerating metabolism up to 3% to 11% is one of them and improve the ameliorating fat graph by 10 % to 29%. Just make sure you are opting for black coffee without adding any extra calories in the name of cream and sugar.

iii. Eggs for breakfast

If you do not have allergies with eggs or you happen to like them already. Eggs can work in your favor. You can lose weight, and in other words, you can count on them.

There are studies available that confirm that having eggs in breakfast, let you consume fewer calories for almost for 36 hours.

In case, you do not like eggs or cannot add it due to any other issues, just any other protein source in your diet, and it will act in the same fashion.

iv. Intermittent Fasting

It is getting trendy. It is one of most of the popular trends of the decade for losing weight. This is a strategy which has numerous ways to be executed. Moreover, some of the studies explain that intermittent fasting is quite effective for weight reduction.

However, it is likely to reduce muscle mass as well for that is usually the case when the low-calorie diets are in question.

Speaking of some general weight loss tricks, let’s have a look at the compounds that are present in the composition of this supplement.

Phenq Ingredients

  • Chromium Picolinate – 80 mcg
  • Calcium Carbonate – 625 mg
  • Piperine Extract – 3 mg
  • Caffeine Anhydrous – 150 mg
  • L-Carnitine Fumarate -142.5 mg
  • A-Lacy Reset- 25mg
  • Nopal

i. A-Lacys Reset

A-Lacys Reset is a formula (patented). It carries cysteine and alpha-lipoic. Alpha-lipoic acid is a category of antioxidant that is common to locate in food items like potatoes, broccoli, and spinach.

How much caffeine is in PhenQ?

As per the study of Journal Obesity Reviews, Alpha-lipoic acid has the potential to generate results, the results will not be long-lasting, but they will surely be significant.

Furthermore, in another study (the International Journal of Obesity), humans and rodents were the subjects.

This study concluded I-cysteine can decrease hunger in humans and it can easily decrease the desire to consume food in obese mice and rats.

ii. Capsimax Powder:

It is a mix of Niacin (B3), caffeine, Piperine, and capsicum. This powder has fat blasting properties. Both Piperine and capsicum pepper are also common with the name of black pepper.

This compound no matter which name you know it with has the potential to create a strong thermogenic effect. These thermogenic properties are great at slimming down the users.

In short, Capsimax powder has a real potential to offer.

These two ingredients are awesome to burn fat. Additionally, there is a theory that the presence of Piperine might inhibit the production of new fat cells.

This is not it as there are several studies that have confirmed the advantages of capsicum for plunging the weight ratio.

iii. Chromium Picolinate

It is one of the vital minerals that you can easily get in whole grains, vegetables and last but not least it is present in meat. It tends to control carbs and sugar cravings through maintaining sugar levels in the blood. The mechanism is simple.

When you eat anything that has carbs in it (a sort of sugar), the body will absorb sugar and transport it to the body cells so they can use this absorbed sugar as the energy source. When the body gets sufficient amount of sugar, your body will not crave for more and weight reduction becomes easier.

There is an eight-week long study available that states, the supplementation of chromium have the potential to curb the appetite and cravings even in people, who are suffering from the issue of depression.

iv. Nopal

It is one of the compounds in the composition that is a good source of fiber plus it can easily regulate cravings. Nopal is a natural ingredient. It is from the cactus family.

Moreover, it can be a good source of amino acid that happens to curb the appetite. Due to the sufficient fiber ratio, it keeps you full for a longer period.

v. Calcium Carbonate

Most of us are already know the importance of calcium for bones. However, what most of us are not aware that a healthy weight is also possible. This compound becomes helpful with depositing fat, and it will shield the body from the deposition of fat (according to different studies, this ingredient, in actual, carries this potential).

These studies also have confirmed that when overweight people once they started a diet with calcium-rich food actually lost weight. Moreover, the weight loss took place in quick succession.

vi. Caffeine

There are chances that people will suggest you reduce the consumption of coffee and the weight loss will take place too. However, the reality is another way around. Caffeine is a highly important element, and it is due to the characteristics that it has to offer.

Therefore, it is a common sight to have it in the various weight loss options. The properties it has to offer include

  • Better stamina
  • Elevated energy levels
  • It can increase the attention span.
  • Focus
  • Alert mindedness
  • It can lower the appetite of its consumer.

All in all, using caffeine is nothing but a great initiative.

Is PhenQ FDA approved?

The mechanism of PhenQ diet pills is not difficult to understand.

There are 5 dimensions in which it happens to target the issue of weight loss by persuading our body to work in that direction.

The supplement allows your body to speed up the fat burning process through improving the quality of metabolism.

The increased temperature of the user’s body for a certain time period lets the accumulated deposit of fat content to melt away.

When a person is consuming too many calories, the chances are weight will go out of control.

Therefore, having a close eye on the consumption of calories is a must. Appetite suppression in this regard can do wonders for you.

When using this dietary pill, the chances are, you will be able to lower down your appetite in a smart way.

You just do not need to starve yourself. It will lower down the desire of having unreasonable food in a very subtle manner.

This appetite suppression will let you have better control over your stress eating and the habit of unreasonable binging on. 

Additionally, it stimulates the fat cells in the aptest way. The cells secrete the fat content that they already have and it furthers restricts cells’ fat formation procedure.

All in all, the fat ratio of the body starts declining.

Better energy in the body gets difficult as soon as the body stops taking enough calories due to appetite suppression.

Now in such scenario, the ingredients come forward to guard the situation, and you end up having better energy despite the presence of appetite suppression properties.

PhenQ lets you experience better mood, no matter how grumpy or irritated your body mechanisms provoke you to be but when you have this dietary pill to favor, you are bound to get required support.

How to take This diet Pill?

It is easy to consume, you need to take 1 in the breakfast and the other one at lunch.

Do not be greedy or consume what more than the recommended dosage is.

This product has caffeine and some other compounds that have the tendency to heighten the energy levels.

Thus, taking PhenQ in late evening hours can interrupt your regular sleeping pattern.

Take PhenQ in morning hours or at least 10 to 12 hours before your bedtime.

Moreover, if you are using these diet pills, try to cut down other beverages that contain caffeine in them, so you do not have to bear unnecessary interruption in your routines.

How long does it take to see results with PhenQ?

What pills can a doctor prescribe for weight loss?

i. Torching Fat:

When the body can produce better heat, the metabolic rate will increase. It can support weight loss goals in a pretty effective manner.

ii. Mood elevation:

Numerous weight loss programs are present, but not every program is worth trying.

Most of them mainly focus on one thing, and that is reducing weight, but their negative traits include depression, alteration in mood and some other irrelevant and not so desirable characteristics.

Thus, it is very important to aim for a method where your mood remains in place so you can focus in the right way on your weight reduction goals.

When you are choosing this slimming tablet, it means you have taken your first step toward weight loss as it will keep your mood in the best state possible.

Moreover, sometimes due to sudden weight change, this fluctuation takes place in the mood, but It can even handle this situation with ease.

iii. It inhibits the formation of fat and fat deposition:

Majority of the compounds in this diet pill has the potential to restrict the body fat formation. It improves liver potential.

Moreover, when you are consuming PhenQ (the chances are), your graph of cravings will come down, and it eventually targets the weight in the best possible manner.

iv. Better Energy

One of the most ubiquitous issues that people encounter as soon as they engage themselves in exercise is how they can regulate energy levels.

Regular exercise and diet tend to take a toll on your body.

Thus, it happens to make you sluggish. In short, during dieting regular exercise period, you do not have enough potential to engage yourself in any other activity.

Having this supplement in your routine lets you balance these energy levels. The presence of caffeine will also ensure that you have an alert mind whole day.

v. Curb the appetite

No matter how active you are and how much you exercise if your appetite is out of control (the chances are), you will already be obese (except a few cases, where the individual even after eating a dinosaur remains skinny, okay, I admit an exaggerated joke but you have got the pun and my point, right?).

To the cut chase short, using this dietary pill, let you have control over your appetite.

In other words, your weight loss process becomes easy while you have the support of these obesity curbing pills.

What are the side effects of PhenQ?

This dietary pill is a composition of natural ingredients.

Due to its 100% natural ingredient list, the chances of real harmful damages are zero to none.

Most of the PhenQ customer reviews are of a positive nature.

In today’s internet world, such digital PR is pretty hard to maintain, and it is only possible when the product has some real benefits to offer.

However, nothing is perfect that’s why we need to see some other factors as well before we declare this goody-goody report.

Some people can be allergic to the use of caffeine or other stimulants like these.

I am not talking about people who do not have any allergies but some individuals confront different allergies, and sometimes even regular coffee and tea is not possible for them to drink.

In case of having caffeine allergy, you need to talk to your doctor before you opt for this supplement.

Instead of suffering from sleep disturbance due to the allergy to caffeine, avoid taking this supplement without the proper consultation from your doctor.

The pregnancy process is not something that you can take lightly; the women body experiences various changes during this process.

Therefore, during pregnancy weight loss supplements, or weight reduction is not advisable.

However, if in any exception case, your doctor considers weight loss, he will also be adding necessary details.

Therefore, consult your doctor rather disturbing your pregnancy time.

Moreover, if you are nursing a child, this is another instance where you need to be extra cautious.

The chances are pretty high that the effects of weight loss supplement or any other medication can transfer via milk to the newborn baby.

Thus, during nursing, it is better to avoid weight loss or any other medication.

How do you take PhenQ pills?

Take your doctor in confidence if you are on any medication and you are nursing a child as well.

Some of the minor and not so serious side effects include

  • Digestive problems
  • Nervousness
  • Vomiting
  • Uneasiness
  • Nausea

Not a side effect but yes, there is one downside.

Despite the fact, it can produce positive outcomes; these results are short-lived.

The users have to use the supplement continuously if they want to maintain their results.

This is not very practical in the first place. No matter how good a supplement is, you cannot take it forever, there needs to be a stop.

Thus, you need to include exercise and a healthy lifestyle to maintain your results once you add them.

In short, treat it like a supplement and not as a magical pill for a lifetime.

Where can I purchase PhenQ?

What is the strongest prescription weight loss pill?

To the point of the answer, you can buy it from its official site.

No other legitimate option is available.

If you are considering the possibilities like Walmart, Amazon, eBay, forget it, you will not get it there.

No matter where you are, you can still place an order for diet pills.

The most popular countries where you can buy PhenQ without any haste are The USA, the UK, Australia, Italy, France, Germany and Canada.

Moreover, the producers value their customers.

Therefore, time to time, they offer different discount offers, codes or coupons.

FAQ’s and Customer Queries

One of the consumers asks related to Australia/UK

I am from Australia, currently living here in the UK. I have placed the order here at my host family house address in the UK this first time.

However, will I be able to get it in Australia?

Yes, without having any hassle. Not only Australia is possible, but actually, the official site has the option of different currencies and translated versions of the site.

You can order PhenQ in Australia as easily as you have ordered it here in the UK.

Is PhenQ sold in stores?

The answer is 50-50.

The official site is the best place to buy it. However, due to its popularity, various fake vendors are trying to exploit customers.

Thus, you may see PhenQ on eBay, Amazon, Walmart, Walgreens but the truth is how much these options are reliable; it is a questionable thing.

Amazon, Walmart, eBay, they are great options as they give you a guarantee of money, but if you need product guarantee, the official site should be my answer in that case.

Moreover, the price fluctuation issue will also be there. Thus, it is a wise decision to make your purchase directly from the producer’s site.

Is PhenQ the same as phentermine?

One word answer – “NO.”

They do sound similar, but PhenQ weight loss supplement is a natural remedy for weight loss that you can freely buy just like any other OTC medication.

In other words, you do not need a prescription for buying PhenQ.

However, in the case of Phentermine the situation is another way around.

It comes under a controlled substance, and indeed, you cannot buy it without the supervision and advice of a doctor.

How much does PhenQ cost?

The PhenQ diet pills is available in the following price range

  • 1 Bottle (60 capsules) $69.95 + 9.98 for shipment and handling
  • 3 Bottles (around three months supply) $139.85
  • 5 Bottles (around five months supply) $199.85

In the first offer, you have to pay the charges for shipment and handling, but in the second and third offer, you pay the price of the offer and enjoy additional perks too.

However, in case, you are willing to file a refund request, it is easy too with proper customer friendly guidelines.


  • It is a clinically tested product.
  • Most of the customer reviews are positive about PhenQ diet pills.
  • One bottle is enough for one month supply (quite economical)
  • 60-day money back guarantee
  • It has minerals and vitamins in it.
  • No muscle deterioration even when you are losing weight (well, it is actually surprising)


  • Under 18 cannot consume it
  • People who already have disturbed sleeping pattern or using any stimulants already as medicines should go for this dietary pill
  • You can buy it just through the official site
  • Not for people who already have some medical issue or they are on medication.

Wrap up

The decision of using PhenQ is the best initiative that you can take for your weight loss.

However, before we ask you to enter utopia, it is better to understand that it is no magic potent, but a supplement that indeed has a potential to work for you but assuming that “the results” will never vanish is just nothing but fooling yourself.

Take the support of PhenQ pills to decrease weight but use exercise and diet; in other words, a healthy lifestyle pattern to keep that weight off for good.

Hope this review has been helpful and has added value in your life.

