Antioxidants Diet: What You Need to Know

Growing children tends to be in a constant phase of learning. Teaching them good manners are important, teaching them table manners is also important. However, what’s even more important is teaching them what to eat and what not!

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Even though, children are least bothered to know and understand the right food for their bodies, however parents must always encourage healthy eating habits for them to stay healthy and active.

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Since, a growing body needs more nutrients to develop and grow in a healthy manner, thus it is extremely important to add antioxidant sources in your child’s diet.

Normally, children tends to be unaware about what antioxidants or its sources are, however, parents must always stress upon the importance of consuming nutritious foods for them to protect their body and stay healthy, which are also the sources of antioxidant!

Almost all of us have been witnessing how polluting our environment is getting with every passing day. All sorts of pollutants such as carbon monoxide and smoke have contributed to raise free radicals in the environment.

These attack our body and consequents in damaging our healthy body cells. So, the question which arises here is what can be done to prepare our body combat against these harmful substances?

Well, the answer is very simple. Just add antioxidant sources into your diet plan. However, it is even favorable that these sources are consumed from a very early age.

Thanks to the vast variety of vegetables, fruits and a lot of foods, through which you can easily attain antioxidants and protect your body against these foreign, harmful invaders!

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So, what are these sources of antioxidants, which I need to add into my diet? Well, as mentioned earlier, you can simply achieve antioxidants through fruits. Interestingly, fruits tend to be a rich source of antioxidants! Above all, almost all fruits taste so good, that none can deny adding these into their diet!

Now you may be wondering about any specific fruit that is high in antioxidants, well, yes, there is. Berries, including raspberries, blackberries and strawberries, are the best example of fruits that are enriched with antioxidants, or say, are the powerhouses almost everyone would love to consume. These taste so good that you can simply add these into your child’s diet as well.

As mentioned earlier, it is highly favorable if you incorporate antioxidant sources in the diet from a very young age, this will make your child’s body more defensive against the harmful invaders.

Thus, to prepare a nutritious snack, just add some of these in plain yogurt, and serve your child to prepare his/her body guard itself against free radicals.

So, what other antioxidant sources you can add into your child’s diet easily? Well, you can simply incorporate citrus fruits such as tangerines and oranges. Normally, children love to have such fruits and find them tasty.

However, you can also add orange juice if you find your child reluctant in consuming the fruit.  Making them consume the antioxidant sources is simply an effort to make your child learn healthy eating habits.

Now grapes are a fruit we all love to eat. Children or adults, grapes tend to be a favorite fruit of all.  We all know that this fruit is sweet and tasty, but do we actually know how healthy it is? Well, the fruit is a rich source of antioxidant. Interestingly, it provides the protection of resveratrol!

So, what is resveratrol? Basically, it is an antioxidant that improves resistance to heart disease. Incorporating this nutritious fruit into your child’s diet is simply a step taken to make them understand and learn about the sources and importance of antioxidant. 2016 the best diet pills that work


As mentioned earlier, the bodies of growing children need more nutrition as compared to the bodies of adults. Therefore, it is our duty to not just prepare a balanced and healthy diet plan for our children.

But also ensure they follow it. However, preparing and following a diet plan is not only important, children must also know and learn the importance of healthy foods they are consuming.

Stress upon the significance of antioxidant sources, give them an idea of what free radicals are, and how they can harm our body.

Children will carry the concept till they reach adulthood, a time when they will actually understand the importance of antioxidants in their lives, and thus will willingly stick to a diet that contains sources of antioxidants.

Consuming a well balanced and healthy diet from a very young age is like an investment that will merely benefit your child in the future, as this will help them prevent against cancer and heart diseases.

Thus, not just making your child stick to healthy eating patterns is important, however making them understand why is also important. Your child will remember the understandings by the time he reaches adulthood, and will also pass on these good habits to his generations as well.

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